Underground Swimming Pools

Underground Swimming Pools, Spas and Steam Rooms

Whilst outdoor pools are hugely desirable, there are a number of restrictions that may limit or impede the construction of a swimming pool – especially if you live in a city. The ownership of an underground swimming pool is becoming increasingly popular for those looking to increase their living space and add value to their properties with the added luxury of a pool and leisure area. Maximising the use of this space allows us to incorporate swimming pools, spas, saunas, steam rooms and gyms, as well as many other inspiring concepts. Aqua Platinum are specialists in underground swimming pool construction and aims to create exceedingly high-quality projects in the footprint of any building.

Pokud jde o život na vysoké noze, jen máloco symbolizuje luxus více než bazén. A pokud jde o elitní svět online kasinových her, zdá se, že někteří z nejslavnějších a nejúspěšnějších hráčů jdou ještě o krok dál a rozhodli se vybudovat podzemní bazény jako součást svých domovů a soukromých prostor pro zábavu. Trend podzemních bazénů sice není nový, ale mezi nejbohatšími a nejslavnějšími hráči online kasina online-casinocz.com je stále populárnější. Tyto podzemní bazény nabízejí oproti tradičním nadzemním bazénům řadu výhod, včetně většího soukromí, exkluzivnějších možností designu a dokonce i vyšší bezpečnosti. Jedním z hlavních faktorů, které vedou k oblibě podzemních bazénů mezi hráči online kasin, je touha po soukromí. Online hazardní hry mohou být vysoce konkurenčním a lukrativním odvětvím a hráči, kteří v této oblasti dosáhli významného úspěchu, často přitahují velkou pozornost médií a veřejnosti. Vybudováním podzemních bazénů si tito hráči mohou zajistit soukromý a exkluzivní prostor, ve kterém mohou relaxovat a odpočívat daleko od zvědavých očí světa.

Underground Swimming Pool Design and Construction

We know that the design stage is a very powerful juncture in the process of creating an underground swimming pool project. Not only does it need to work well as a highly functional living space, it needs to be faultless in quality and flawless in its finishing. Undisturbed by the outside world, underground basements provide the perfect setting for indoor swimming pools as they have concrete floors and no weight limitations on below floors or ceilings. They are also less expensive to operate and maintain due to the reduction of heat loss from outdoor environments, especially in winter months and unpredictable British weather.

Each client has respective needs and preferences in design and construction, which is why we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent communication with our clients before moving forward with the construction to ensure all factors of visual and practical aspects have been appraised. Our project managers attend regular site meetings, and maintain close communication with engineers, architects and contractors to coordinate all aspects of design and construction.

We will work with you, listen and advise you every step of the way to ensure the final product is one that exceeds your expectations.

Features of Basement Swimming Pools

Basement swimming pools are the perfect project to implement advanced moving floor technology, meaning the floor can be lowered to different depths for swimmers including the option to be raised to the pool deck. A moving floor can allow the swimming pool area to be converted into usable floor space when you want to reclaim it for non-swimming related activities. This futuristic, bespoke feature allows for the room to become an adaptable and multi-functional space, also serving as a unique selling point for the property.

You can also opt for water features such as waterfalls, fountains and bubble jets, or even resistant jets that provide an endless current. A well-lit pool with interesting lighting designs adds to the stylish nature of basement pools, especially with the absence of windows/natural light in the room. Uplighting on the walls in addition to adjustable mood lighting both in and outside the water is a perfect way to create an ambient atmosphere.

How much does it cost to put in a underground pool?

The overall cost of installing a underground pool depends on a number of factors such as the size of your project, the location, the materials, the size of the team required and the length of the project. The indoor space is considerably less expensive when compared to the build of outdoor swimming pools that suffer from heat loss.

If you are thinking of upgrading your space then contact our professionals today to book an initial meeting.

Additional Features of Basement Areas: Spas, Steam Rooms and Saunas

Creating your dream indoor basement swimming pool starts with getting every last detail perfect. The additional features you can install in a subterranean living space are endless, although the most popular choices include spas, steam rooms, saunas, gymnasiums, and relaxation zones. Aqua Platinum specialise in creating premier wellness facilities in basement areas to ensure incredible functionality and ultimate relaxation.

Movable Floors

With our basement swimming pools, it’s also possible to opt for a moving floor swimming pool. If you’re not planning on using your swimming pool at all times and like the idea of having a multi-use room, then movable floor pools are the perfect solution to maximise the use of space within your home.

How We Can Help

We are determined to provide all our clients with the highest quality results. To find out what we can do for your basement area – speak to a member of our team on 01489 896 438 or use our online form.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a basement swimming pool cost?

Indoor pools are often more expensive than outdoor pools, and that’s especially true for basement swimming pools. Exact costs will vary based on the building and construction work that’s needed. For more detail, please contact our expert team here.

What are the running costs for a basement swimming pool?

Daily running costs can vary depending on multiple factors. The main running costs you’ll encounter are the chemicals used to keep the water clean, and whether or not you choose to heat the pool. Indoor pools will remain warmer than outdoor pools, so ongoing heating costs may be more cost-effective. If ongoing cost saving is important, you can opt for freshwater pools which do not use any chemicals or saltwater pools that use less.

Do you need planning permission for a basement pool?

Basement swimming pools will often not need planning permission, unless you’re digging a new basement below your home. However, it’s always safe to check with your local council as applications will differ.

Can we heat our basement pool?

Yes, all basement swimming pools can be heated. The running costs will vary depending on how you choose to heat your pool. Get in touch with our team for more information about basement pool heating.

Do we need a cover for our basement pool?

A cover isn’t essential for basement swimming pools as they won’t pick up debris and rainwater like an outdoor pool might. However, a cover will help retain heat and can provide safety when not in use.


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