Plunge Pools

Expert Plunge Pool Design, Build & Installation in the UK

What are Plunge Pools?

Simply put, a plunge pool is a smaller and shallower swimming pool than regular pools; they are designed for cooling off or performing aquatic exercises and make for great addition to any outdoor space.They are typically smaller and shallower than traditional swimming pools and often have a more natural or minimalist design. Since they’re smaller, they are often used in areas where space is limited, or you want a more compact and low-maintenance pool option.

Outdoor & Indoor Plunge Pools

Most plunge pools are installed outdoors, but they can also be a great choice for an indoor pool if your space is limited. Plunge pools are often cheaper and quicker to install vs regular-sized pools, they are also easier to maintain, cost less to run, and can fit into smaller spaces. Here at Aqua Platinum we’re experts in creating bespoke swimming pools, no matter what design or features you want. Get in touch with our team on 020 3362 0442 or contact us here.

Why Choose Aqua Platinum for Your Plunge Pool?

From the initial designs, all the way up to the final construction of your plunge pool. Here at Aqua Platinum, we deliver stunning plunge pools every step of the way. Whether you’re looking for an indoor training pool or an eye-catching outdoor plunge pool – get in touch with our expert team to find out how we can help you achieve your swimming pool dreams today.

How We Can Help

We are determined to provide all our clients with the highest quality results. To find out what we can do for you – speak to a member of our team on 01489 896 438 or use our online form.


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